Release log 3.30 (15. 7. 2024)

New functionality

New mentions functionality in ATS module

Kreslicí plátno 2_1

You can now use mentions and tag users in the Notes and History section of the candidate profile (ATS module) to enhance communication in the hiring process.

Adding @ to the free text box in the Notes and History section will propose a list of users and you can tag them in the text.

In the future releases, you can expect this enhancement accross more modules.

New improvements

Kreslicí plátno 2_2

1) Twitter/X logo updated on ATS advertising portal

The correct logo of the social network X (formerly Twitter) has been modified on the ATS advertising portal.

2) Dark mode in ATS module and iframe functionality

Users can now choose between light and dark mode in the ATS module and iframe (ATS/ Settings/ Embed code) or choose an automatic mode.

➕ Minor bug fixes

Last but not least, we have not forgotten to fix the bugs that occurred in the application. Thank you for reporting them! 👍